Pro Team
We send you cool stuff, you post awesome content. You share your Pro Team content on social media and tag us, we share your Pro Team content on social media and tag you. Tag you’re it. We’ll post about you on social media to our fans on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. WG will link to your site in your bio and throw some good organic SEO vibes your way. We’ll also blast your content to our email lists when it matches the occasion.
The work: Complete the below application. If you’re selected to join the Pro Team we’ll get in touch to learn more about you. Once you’ve submitted three awesome recipes with high quality-photos we’ll get your Pro Team page live. After that plan on building your page by adding a recipe, blog post, video or other great content every couple of months.
The goods: Expect care packages with WG products, exclusive Pro Team swag, and to get connected with other grilling pros.
The glory: You will get your own dedicated Wildwood Grilling Pros page complete with bio, recipes, and any other content you think it needs. Plus you get to reach our tens of thousands of dedicated Wildwood fans with your content, growing your personal brand.
Note: Membership in our program is not guaranteed to anyone and all applicants will require varying pieces of information before they are approved for inclusion. Once your application has been submitted, please expect to hear back from us with either an approval or a request for further information within 72 hours. If you are not contacted in one form or another within a few days, please let us know at rose@wildwoodgrilling.com