Peak to Plate

about lori

Lori is a cosmetologist turned grilling hobbyist in Asheville, North Carolina where she lives with her husband and two children. Lori and her family all enjoy taking in the great outdoors as much as possible. Her hobbies include cooking, hiking, mountain biking, as well as just being a general fitness fanatic.

She comes from a long line of women who love to cook and has been learning how to adapt all her favorite foods and baked goods into ketogenic versions since 2017.

Lori loves the challenge of creating keto-friendly recipes and doesn’t let it get in the way of enjoying anything she is craving.

Her goal is to show just how easy and delicious ketogenic eating can be.

Hot sauce

Meat, salad, and a delicious dessert served warm with ice cream. You’ve gotta have dessert!

Water all day everyday! Got to stay hydrated. If I have an adult beverage it’s a margarita or sparkling spiked seltzer.

Salmon. It’s a classic.

Frog legs, ugh.

Oh a hail storm!