As summer is fading into distant memory, leaves are changing colors and our family gatherings are slowly moving inside.

But not quite yet! Apple cider pressing parties are oftentimes one last hurrah before we start gathering around the fireplace inside of our homes for the cold winter months ahead.

Here at Wildwood Grilling, one of the first signs of fall is the annual Cider Press Party, which was started by our owner’s family many years ago. Each year, our friends and loved ones join us for a party to remember. Of course, at a food-company, there’s always delicious food!


The Basics: Apple Cider Press Tips

Here are some tips and tricks we’ve learned over the years.

  • Don’t buy flawless, perfect apples from the grocery store. You’ll spend a fortune. These apples don’t need to be picture-perfect. In fact, you probably know a handful of people who have apple trees in their backyards and would be more than willing to share their harvest (especially in exchange for some delicious cider!).
  • Get lots of apples. If you’ve never had a Cider Press Party, you will probably want to get more apples than you think you’ll need. 20 apples aren’t going to cut it, if you’re hoping for gallons and gallons of cider. On average, you will need 30 to 40 apples for each gallon of cider.
  • Invite some strong friends. Pressing cider is hard work. Don’t stick just one person on the press all night while you and the rest of the group have fun eating and talking. Make it a fun activity where people take turns and work together.
  • Play around with different varieties. Try to get different kinds of apples to play around with flavor combinations.
  • Grill some food. Don’t forget to feed your guests and cider-pressing-helpers. We have some recipes for your BBQ.

Love apples? Check out our Oven Planked Apples recipe.

More Photos From Our Annual Cider Party



Chef Matt Curmi

Matt worked his first kitchen job in the country of Malta at the age of 15. He has worked as a restaurant Chef in Arizona, Maine, Spain, the UK, Oregon, and finally North Idaho. Now the Executive Chef at Wildwood Grilling, he thoroughly enjoys his day job.