The Feast of the Seven Fishes is coming up, and there is no question about it – fishes are delicious.
On this blog, you will hear us go on and on about how Wildwood Grilling products are great for grilling vegetables, planking cheese, smoking meat and everything in between. (I once planked a corn dog, but it’s not exactly something to brag about, now is it?)
Even with the ingredient versatility and all of the preparation adaptability our products allow for, our heart is now and forever in the ocean.
Cedar Planked Salmon is a Northwest classic and the Wildwood Grilling quintessential recipe. If you are going to cook one thing using our products – anything at all – it’s got to be salmon grilled on Cedar. The pairing is timeless.
But salmon is not the only fish that we are finny for. Some of our best friends, colleagues and customers are “fish guys.”
You need oysters? I know a guy.
Catfish? I have THE GUY.
Have a fish-cutting question? I’ve got a monger for that.
Want to talk about the salmon runs? Sustainability? Sourcing? Check, check, and check.
Our company’s connection with the seafood industry is firmly rooted and here to stay.
Fisheries, and the seafood industry in general, are pretty fast and loose with the term “fish.” Fish can refer to finfish – snapper, halibut, mahi-mahi, grouper, steelhead, and so on. Fish can also be a collective term that includes shellfish, like mollusks and crustaceans – clams, shrimp, mussels, crab and the like.
So, when an opportunity arises to eat a lot of seafood in one sitting, count us in. And the Feast of the Seven Fishes is a tradition that gives us just that opportunity.
A brief and not-very-thorough Synopsis of the Feast of the Seven Fishes
The Feast of the Seven Fishes (or La Vigilia) is an Italian festivity celebrated on Christmas Eve. There is a connection to fasting – specifically the fasting of meat and dairy products, not unlike Lent.
The feast can include 7, 9, or even 13 fish dishes.
The traditional meal’s components may include some combination of anchovies, lobster, sardines, dried salt cod, smelts, eels, squid, octopus, shrimp, mussels and clams.
The meal can be served in courses or all at once. In some traditions, a single seafood stew like Cioppino or Zuppa de Pesce would do the trick.
In short, there are no rigid rules on how to celebrate or prepare this meal – the point is just to indeed celebrate.
For a beautiful overview of the traditions and history behind The Feast of the Seven Fishes, check out the the collaboration between Food 52 and Mario Batali in their exclusive holiday cookbook.
Want to fire up the grill and try our spin on The Feast of the Seven Fishes? Go to our recipes and you’ll find some seafood inspiration!