
Grilling tips, techniques, gadgets and more – those are just some of the topics covered by our host Nate Adam as he speaks with Katie Bradish in this episode of Wildwood Grilling’s podcast Forest to Grill.

Listen to them answer questions like the difference between BBQing and grilling, their preferred methods and their favorite type of BBQ.

All About the Grill

by Wildwood Grilling | Forest to Grill


What are your favorite grilling memories? Did you have an experience like Katie’s turkey disaster? Or is yours the perfectly slow-cooked brisket? Tweet us with the hashtag #wildwoodpodcast.



Chef Matt Curmi

Matt worked his first kitchen job in the country of Malta at the age of 15. He has worked as a restaurant Chef in Arizona, Maine, Spain, the UK, Oregon, and finally North Idaho. Now the Executive Chef at Wildwood Grilling, he thoroughly enjoys his day job.