I’m Ernie Brandt. My wife Nancy and I own Wildwood Grilling. I’m a guy who likes food – really likes food.
I don’t have any fancy culinary degree and I’m not a chef. But I do know a little bit about grilling and a whole lot about wood. Understanding the nature and properties of wood has been my focus for over 30 years. Following that passion, I founded Wildwood Grilling and created the line of products that enable you to use wood and fire to create simple, delicious food for the people you care about.
The Wildwood Difference: What sets our Products apart
Our wood products are high quality, environmentally sound and safe to use. This pure, untreated wood evokes the promise of good things to come. There is something elemental about cooking with wood, fire and smoke, maybe even something magical. Our desire is to contribute in any way we can to enhance that magic.
We also believe that smoke is nature’s original seasoning and infuses — whatever the dish — with a taste all its own. There are so many foods – from seafood to meat to vegetables and fruit – that are made better by adding wood to their preparation. We will explore the ancient connection between fire and food and between food and wood.
What to expect from the Wildwood Grilling Blog
Our goal with this twice-a-month blog is to expose you to some traditional and ancient cooking techniques, to de-mystify and simplify cooking with wood, and to ignite curiosity with not-so-traditional approaches to all things culinary.
The end goal is to help you create genuine connections with other people through cooking and sharing food. Good food. Approachable food. Food that you make using wood and fire; food that you enjoy with family and friends. We also plan to answer some of your burning (and smoking) questions.
Expect to see posts ranging from delicious recipes to captivating visual tours of this beautiful corner of the Pacific Northwest that we call home. Consider this a sneak peek – a quick taste test – from a guy who likes food. Join me as we help you make good food even better. Enjoy!
– Ernie